Wwf most embarrassing moments
Wwf most embarrassing moments

wwf most embarrassing moments

Let’s all get together and cringe for the next few minutes, shall we? Here are some of the memorable moments when WWE got really awkward. And, on rare occasions, they hurt the actual feelings of the performers involved. These moments-regardless of how few and far between-make for tense (yet entertaining) television. 1985 Most Embarrassing Moments) Opening Round: Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) pinned Ivan Putski with his feet on the ropes at 2:45 Legends of Wrestling. Fans, who feel like they’re seeing something they weren’t supposed to, speculate: “Did that wrestler just go off script?” “Do those two hate each other for real?” That’s why a lot of times, wrestlers will insert actual events and personal information into the feud even if the fights aren’t real, the emotions behind them are. Maybe he should’ve made an offer to the owner. It is truly one of the very embarrassing moments where you go like, 'Oh No I thought she reminded me of someone I knew back in school/college' Yeah, bro, totally It reminded you of a really.

wwf most embarrassing moments

Even if a feud is scripted, there needs to be something believable to make the fans care about and pay to see it. 25 of the Most Awkward and Most Embarrassing Moments Ever 1. But even so, fans don’t like being explicitly lied to. Yes, it was incredibly embarrassing and showed a side of WWE that is still there in some form today, but unlike most of the other moments featured in this list, it somehow turned in to a positive. They sell punches and kicks as more painful than they really are.īy and large, the audience members are smart to all of this, and most times, they will play along and suspend their disbelief. They plan out the finish in the locker room. The wrestlers cut promos the way actors might read a script.

wwf most embarrassing moments

They’re in the business of staging fights-of making something choreographed appear spontaneous.

Wwf most embarrassing moments