Licecap funny
Licecap funny

licecap funny


Below is some of the evolutionary stages and components, plus a screenshot of the final result. Finally I wanted actual movies to be shown on screen during game. I also used animated "character" light graphics for the projector and for the psychic receptor to screen. Archibald Collinsworth.ĭesiring a late 1800s turn-of-the-(20th)century feel, for the era the game is set in, I used an actual vintage projector product (graphic below) as the inspiration for the psychic projector design. Want to adopt using animated gifs for your team? Many of us use LiceCap as our screen capture software.One of the sequences I designed for Widows of the Vampyr was the Psychic Laboratory of Prof. They were confident that the work we were doing was in alignment with their expectations.Īnd, when the work we were doing was misaligned, they had the opportunity to course correct with us before the work ever reached their users. They could see that we had made progress and that the work they requested is getting done. They had visual proof of the work we had completed. Client RelationshipsĪnimated gifs are a wonderful way to show your client how a feature works and interacts within their system before it is shipped. Any changes that need to be made can reference the gif so the improvements can be visualized more clearly by both client and developer. The gif is a concrete base to continue to build from or improve on. If a developer needs to handoff feature development, they can use an in-progress gif to understand where the feature stands and what is left to complete. It can serve as a reference point or training material for future developers or clients. It’s a visual representation of a feature and how it works. The animated gifs serve as documentation for a completed feature.


It means that any developers that are code reviewing the feature do not necessarily need to be intimately familiar with the codebase or product to be able to comment on the functionality or flow of the feature in the gif.


Animated gifs on pull requests allow all members of the team to understand how the feature should work, where in the application the feature exists, and how to use the feature. When working on a team, it can be easy to get siloed into a specific part of the application or a specific type of problem space.

licecap funny

This means that we are catching the issues and not our clients or their users.


Unfortunately, it can result in each piece of the feature working independently, but the full feature fails to work cohesively.īy screen capturing ourselves clicking through the feature start to finish, we are able to pinpoint and rectify flow issues and bugs before we ship a feature. This allows us to code efficiently while working through each piece of a feature. When implementing a feature, our tendency as developers is to click through only the portion of the feature we are working on at the time. Awesome Side EffectsĬreating animated gifs of features had several unexpectedly awesome side effects on our development process. The animated gif was created to facilitate communication and a feedback loop early in the process, allowing the team to collaborate on the direction the feature was heading. On our cron monitoring service Dead Man’s Snitch, we recently added a Code Language Switcher to improve display of code in the docs. Now, many of our project teams use animated gifs to capture progress, demo new features in pull requests, and document features. It had an immediate positive impact on our relationship with our clients and had many side effects that were unexpectedly awesome. In order to proactively communicate and show our progress to clients sooner in the process, we started screen capturing features into animated gifs and posting them into our pull requests or user stories. We found another use for animated gifs that has proven to be a powerful tool in development. We have a lot of fun with gifs, and reaction gifs find their way into most methods of communication we use on a daily basis. Our Slack channels have Giphy and RightGIF integrations, and a few of us have a large collection of reaction gifs in gifwit.

Licecap funny